Our Shops love serving the public, connecting with people and helping fill a need. When it works well running a business just feels like success. So it’s even sweeter when they find a way to invest some of that success back into the community. We’re proud of the shops here at Stonefield that are doing just that.

Alter’D State gives back 10% to a non profit of the month. They also partnered with Loaves & Fishes for a Diaper Drive to collect and distribute diapers for those in need.

Burger Bach has a signature drink each month. Funds from those go to community organizations. Learn more

Duck Donuts has partnered with Gabe’s Chemo Duck Program, a non-profit organization that provides education, comfort and hope through stuffed ducks, medical play and therapeutic tools. The national sponsorship ensures that children undergoing treatment for cancer can have access to their own Chemo Duck, a stuffed yellow duck dressed in blue hospital scrubs with a chemotherapy port, to help them learn what to expect during treatment and have a friend to share the experience. Learn more

Give up to 20% of a day’s sales to charities that mirror their business philosophies and concerns of their guests: women’s health issues, children’s organizations, animal rights organizations, creative/artistic development, and environmental concerns. Learn more

More than 8,000 yoga mats have been donated through the Here to Be program. Organizations benefited from grants ranging from $2,500 to $100,000 to help the sick and disabled, at-risk youth, survivors of violence and trauma, and others who face various obstacles in their lives. Learn more

Williams Sonoma supports No Kid Hungry to fight childhood hunger. 30% of proceeds from their limited-edition products go to No Kid Hungry. Learn more.

Stonefield’s own Music on the Lawn series benefits a local non-profit. Check our Instagram to keep up on the event schedule and the worthy non-profits they support.